Sunday, April 22, 2007

happy... happy.. lol

fri finally managed to go ice-skatin... it had been like 5mths since i last ice-skate ba.. hahaz. me, tan, yn n joyce went ice-skatin.. lol.. its like we went in like arn 10 plus ba.. then e rink is empty.. ok nt empty but its v little ppl.. n e little ppl is realli literally little.. i mean they r mostly small kids.. kaoz.. stress out lo.. so small so young then can skate so well hahaz.. anw.. we went in then go get skates.. i tink my foot shrank in size lo.. e guy gave me a size 45.. ya.. then first few rnds i super unsteady.. nt used to it.. then gradually became beta.. but then sad to say i fell down 5 times i tink.. erm then once i fall, yn was tryin to catch me then in e end e 2 of us fell hahaz.. its like most of e time i fall is because i suddenly kicked some ice then cannot bal.. oh well.. my fall isn e jialak fall.. its more like kneel down on e ice nia.. so ya.. oh ya.. then we had a mini race thingy.. joyce took abt 1min 18s to skate rnd e full rink, tan took 58s to skate arn e rink, yn took 29.59s to skate.. i took abt 46s ba.. so sad.. i initially quite fast de.. then in e end slow down dunno y oso.. hahaz.. oh well.. ice-skatin is v tirin.. n my legs were chao suan after skatin lo. oh ya.. i gt rope burn marks on my ankle there.. dunno how come oso.. lol..

then went to eat.. joyce wanted to eat her hao jian.. gt to search thru 3 hawker centres then can find haha.. ate le.. then tan went to e lib to read bk.. me, yn n joyce went to orchard.. then on e train journey there, yn was teachin joyce how to use ipod n itunes.. hahaz.. while i jus slept.. hahaz.. tireds.. go orchard to buy yn's cap.. nt bad lookin.. quite nice.. tt reminds me i am so gg to get myself a cap.. nd to hide my hair. lol

sat- went to celeb yj's bday at con's hse.. spent our time listenin to con's talk abt her interview.. then watch her hit her glass coffeetable like dunno how many times till i scared she will break e table.. hahaz.. then ate chips n cake, then played uno stacko.. kaoz.. my hand was suepr unsteady la.. either tt or is ek's fault.. lol.. she purposely go remove e bottom 2 pcs.. so e whole stack was jus bal on 1 pc.. kaoz.. ya.. i dropped e stacko 2 times.. lol.. left con's hse arn 5.15.. by e time i reached hm(walk hm) was alr 5.40.. no one at hm liao.. all went church.. hahaz.. then went upstairs msged my hm to inform her i reached hm le.. then bathe.. then bathe hao le come downstairs find food, then saw my mum's hp on e altar table.. kaoz!! waste my msg onli.. =.=" ate watermelon n yoghurt.. hahaz.. then stone till my fam come back.. had an interestin n long overdue convo... lol..

Sunday, April 08, 2007

yoz.. finally bloggin.. haha... anw.. HAPPY EASTER!!

ok. holy wk.. hahaz.. thurs.. maundy thurs.. went church at 6pm.. gt washing of feet ceremony.. Father Sim was e celebrant.. so basically gt 12 guys who will get their foot washed.. Uncle Robert.. aka my "grandad" gt his washed.. yupz.. this ceremony is to commerate wat Jesus did on passover day.. he washed his 12 apostles' feet.. its a sign of serving others n nt waitin to b served n it also ties in with wat he preached.. abt e greatest has to b e least of them all.. ok movin on.. hmm.. saw Dominic. he was seatin in next pew.. mus honestly say.. he looks beta now.. n much talller.. hahaz.. oh well.. after mass reached hm arn 8 then ate dinner then go for visitation.. act wanted to go for holy hr.. wif my parents de.. coz my mum gt to do e slide presentation. but i was chao slpy.. (brings to mind e fact tt e 3 apostles[i tink is 3-cant realli rmbr] hu went to e garden wif jesus on e nite b4 his arrest were also slpy n fell aslp.. n gt scolded by jesus for nt being able to kp watchn e hr is comin)

good fri.. went for service at 1030.. super crowded la.. e whole church is packed n there is super little standin room.. n my church can b considered quite big le.. upstairs, downstairs all full.. some ppl gt to stand outside.. tts a looot of ppl la.. anw.. gt station of e cross first, then e act service, veneration of cross.. then durin veneration, e altar boy tt was asigned to carry e cross for e section where i am sittin is suepr small.. i kneel down still a head taller than him.. ya.. so when we venerate.. we gt to bend chao chao low.. hahaz.. qute funnie.. by e time e entire thing end.. it was arn 12.30 le..

sat- EASTER VIGIL e vigil starts at 7.30 but my family reached church at 6.30.. otherwise no place to seat.. n by e time we were there... it was alr quite packed le lo.. then saw Thomas.. his cl choir singin for some parts.. ya.. then he came over to ask me n my sis to go n seat wif his choir members.. -.-" to make his choir look more presentable?? as in numbers wise.. dots lehz.. then my sis n i spotted Uncle Robert n Auntie Catherine.. so e 2 of us went to talk to them at their seats.. but they hao sit bu sit sit rite behind e cl choir members.. then Thomas's wife ask me again to seat wif e choir members.. kaoz... then talk for qutie a while then me n sis went back to our seats.. far far away frm e cl choir.. hahaz.. scared of them le.. then spotted Dominic.. then jus b4 mass start.. spotted Fabian.. hmm.. mus say he looks qutie nice in e choir robes thing.. lol..

then mass starts.. lights off.. easter candle brought in.. easter candle blessed n lit.. procession.. our candles r lit... then come e readings.. first 2 readings r in cl.. act i was approached to read e cl reading de.. but i don wan.. so scary... too many ppl le.. too much procession n procedures.. then after i reject e offer.. my dad come nag at me emphaisizin dunno how many times tt easter vigil is e most impt mass of e cathecular calender.. oh well.. mass continues.. after e liturgy of e wrd.. comes baptism ceremony.. 59 ppl were baptised.. tt is a lot.. after tt was e eucharist portion.. cant rmbr e exact title for it.. ya.. then end of mass.. basically e mass lasted for 3h.. lol.. if count in e waitin time.. its 4hr. spent in church.. lol.. came out of church.. wished thomas n fam happy easter.. n one of my dad's fellow CM.. then act wanted to go find Fab to say happy easter de.. but dunno where he is so suan le..

sun.. EASTER SUN.. went church in e morn.. after mass ends.. saw constance.. then say happy easter.. then said e same thing when i passed by Fab hu is on his way to kpin e lector's things.. hmm.. basically tts it le ba..