Sunday, November 01, 2009

shir is 21...

this entry was supposed to b up a long time ago.. but due to bz schedules n e fact that i have quite a bit of stuff to do.. aka study for chi test n to write e chi notes (even now i still have a lot more hrs of lect to cover... slack too much le.. diez..) but ya.. i promised that this entry will b up by today.. so ya.. have fun reading.. hahahz =P

on 18 / 10
celeb my bday with my fam n my uncle n aunt.. morning woke up quite early to eat breakfast then went to pick up my uncle n aunt.. then e entire fam (9 of us) set off for pasir ris park (how come gt a writing pri skl essay de feel?? hmmz) then ya... some how my older sis managed to convince my grandma to cycle too.. hahaz.. yar.. so my dad took a double bicylce thing with my grandma... e rest of us were on mountain bikes as usual.. then we took a break at one end of e pasir ris park.. then all of us tried cycling e double bike thing... hahaz.. i reali realli don like to b in e steering seat of e double bike.. so difficult to control.. prefer to sit at e back with my bro controlling.. basically is he pedal while i jus relax.. muahahhahz.. bully him.. then he cycle quite fast.. so is realli quite shuang.. hahaz... yar.. then my older sis.. hmmz.. tried to ride the double bike with her sitting in front.. n my dad.. at e back.. totally fail lorz.. coz her bike skills nt v good.. n yar.. then she attempt to ride in front with my younger sis at e back.. by rite since my younger sis is much lighter than my dad.. it shld b easier.. but.. she kinda failed too.. hahaz.. in e end my younger sis got off e bike then walk along side e bike while my older sis pedal until she can control it.. then my younger sis hopped on onto e bike.. lolz.. e entire image quite funnie.. hahaz... after that was lunch then shop around at ikea at tampines coz my aunt wanted to buy stuff.. so basically my younger sibs n i were jus walking around n testing all e beds n sofa... jus nua.. muahahahz.. yar.. after that went to buy cake.. (my mum bought it in e end.. mango de.. not bad..) then went to my uncle's hse.. bathed stoned.. attempted to do lab report.. failed.. then ate cake... took photos... then went church.. holy trinity.. soooo many ppl!! then after tt dinner... then go back to uncle's hse stone.. then went home.. slp!!!
(i dont think i miss out anything impt ba.. )

woke up damn early at 6 coz... gt skl.. lolz.. sad ar.. but ya.. then reach skl at usual time? 8.20 or so... entered cr 7 saw a paper bag on my seat... inside gt 2 boxes of mini cupcakes.. baked by yn ba.. then there is 21 mini cupcakes inside.. that says "happy birthday shirley =) " ya.. then e frosting used were like green n pink which to me i wld think that they will glow in e dark.. hahaz... (pic refer to fb) yar.. then after i told yn n tan.. tan covered e cupcake n tried to c if they realli glow in e dark. lolz... yar.. according to her she says it does.. a bit?? (if i didn rmbr wrongly..) oh.. i ate one of e cupcakes.. then realli not bad ba.. a bit sweet.. then again.. i don realli have a sweet tooth.. so yar...

chi lesson... lunch at can a.. saw yl.. then went to src to study a bit.. write notes.. in e mean time.. tan was bz taking you de mei de photos.. n poking me, grabbing my hair.. etc.. (again.. refer to fb photos) lolz.. after studying a while.. then tut... kena nd to ans qns.. all 3 of us.. then went to src again to attempt to mug a bit more first.. cant rmbr wat time we left.. but ya..

after leaving skl.. went to jp.. e icing room.. yn gt a cake.. then we designed e cake.. yar.. n e first thing tan drew was a squirrel.. =.=" lolz.. (okz.. e squirrel thing looks quite cute la..) then yn attempted to draw her vampire to rep her.. but a bit.. cui.. then tan attempted.. hmmz.. oso.. hmmm.. then i drew.. hmmmmmmmmm lolz.. conclusion lets not draw vampires.. at least not on cakes.. hahaz... oooh.. tan drew a pig to rep herself ba.. e pig looks like she is hawaiian.. hahaz.. then i designed e top surface.. totally dunno wat to draw.. realli i cant draw without a pic to follow.. hahaz.. sooo anyhow draw. jus feel up e space.. took quite a bit of photos with e cake..

then left with our designed kawaii cake.. then took a train.. went to marina bay.. oh coz we took e raffles train.. ya.. so we were supposed to change train at raffles place or city hall? hmmz.. anw.. yn was trying to tell tan hu sat opp us in e train admist all e standing ppl to alight at raffles place.. but i tink tan didn get it or was confused or wtv then we didn alight (until then i still had no idea where we were going n yn refused to tell me.. so ya.. i couldn help to decide..) in e end we got off at city hall.. i think...

anw.. ya.. after we got off at marina bay then walked a dist.. cut thru a tunnel.. then to a bus stop. waited damn long for a bus to marina barrage... then... reached there.. took a lot of photos.. a lot of jump shots... (is tiring de. hahhaz.. not fit le.. nd to go exercise.. =( ) *once again.. for photos refer to fb.. after jumping at e bridge there.. we got hungry.. so went to e roof top there where got nice nice patch of grass to cut e cake that we designed n eat it.. hmmz.. i think tan enjoyed e cake?? n she is e main active eater of e cake.. hahahz.. oooh oooh oooh.. YN ATE FRUITS!!! amzaing ba!??!?! lolz... (photos... fb) then took somemore photos.. then walk walk arnd.. saw 2 couples taking wedding photos....

then we took even more photos.. n tan did quite a few funnie poses.. hahaz... head bang e building... oh got pic of her eating e s'pore flyer de.. lolz.. hmmz.. oh oh.. then she sang a happy bday song to me.. its.. hmmz... hilarious!! hahhaz... =P ops... yupz.. she sang in a er.. (i dunno how to describe..) cutsy??? voice... then she wore yn's geek specs. then her jacket.. put up hoodie.. lolz... i got e video.. tempted to post.. but nvms.. i shall b nice n not pose (or rather.. too lazy to upload.. take too long oso.. n she WILL KILL ME.. >.<) hmmz.. after a few more photos.. we left e place at abt 7 ba.. then took bus back to e bus stop there to walk back to marina bay mrt station... then coz gt to walk thru tunnel.. which act look quite nice... except v noisy coz of all e cars.. n got a lot of construction workers either going to work or going back to their hostel are near e construction sites.. so ya.. we took a photo when we were in e tunnel.. e effect turned out to b quite nice.. (fb) [can tell tat i am realli getting lazy to tell huever hu reads this blog to find e pics on fb.. l0l] then we went to (eh... i cant rmbr wat that place is called.. e jap market place thingy at raffles place.. nvm.. yn u just tell me over e tagboard if it is still working ba.. hahahz... soooo long nv use blog le.. ) yar.. then go in.. hmmz.. i was supposed to b surprised to c my aj class peeps n ij babes.. but.. sorrys.. i think tan might have leaked out some info accidentally so ya.. i wasnt tt surprised?? hahaz.. yupz.. but its realli great to c them... sooo long nv c them liao (or rather e aj peeps.. with e exception of kor n yl.. hahhaz.. coz saw cons n lia at lia's party..) took photos.. ate food.. shared curry katsu with yn.. n i don think we realli finished it ba?? then had drink .. i mean watermelon juice n not some alcohol.. (hahaz.. yn was forbidden to drink alcohol by tan.. n kinda by me?? lolz.. she had to drink her milk tea hahaz =P) talk somemore.. then when i was abt to call back home coz i had a miss call.. then zh n sq popped out behind me with a bday cake.. hahahz... you bei xia dao ba? or mayb not.. cant rmbr.. hahaz.. yup!! CHOC CAKE!! then sing bday song.. then .... cut cake.. or rather.. ATTEMPTED TO CUT E CAKE.. tooo hard le.. hahaz.. then e flimsy plastic knife a bit difficult to cut onli.. then hmm.. my memory a bit blur le.. shld b i got pressys?? first was e big pink colored vanguard sheet with msges on them.. n pics of us aka aj n ij peeps.. with their hands drawn in.. quite cute.. ohhh.. then got pic of vamp, pig n squirrel too.. drawn by yn ba.. ohhh.. e pics n stuff oso pasted n cut by yn.. woahz... tyz babe,... must have taken quite a bit of time.. whole sat afternoon zhi lei de rite.. hmmz... after tt.. gt a box that was wrapped in super shiny silver wrapping paper.. which took yn 1/2hr to wrap.. hahhaz.. ITOUCH!!! wanted it for damn long le.. hhahaz.. TYZ!!!! =P (i tink i wanted it since.. i complained my batt life dont last me more than 3hr ba..) .. then got another box... e skin for e itouch... damn nice.. BLACK N RED!!! =P tyz tan for choosing such a nice design.. n yn for walking dunno where to dunno where in an attempt to find it then in e end order it online (i think i didn get it wrong.. hahaz) eh.. then i went off to take photos with cons n lia as my photographers.. TYS !!!! *muacks* in e meantime.. i think yn cut e cake that i had prob cutting.. hahahz... realli mummy lorz!! hahahz.... xie le mummy yn.. hahahz =) then ate cake... talk.. wait for joyce to come hu is coming after her dance lesson end... wahhz... tyz!!!! then aj ppl left.. last couple to leave from aj side was kor n sq.. n they helped e ij ppl take photos.. xie le!!! =P after eating n everything.. then we all left... yar... tys ppl for staying sooo late n coming out even tho u alll had a lot of things to do... then went home... bathe.. then listened to a song that yn n zh made for me.... eh... yn sang while zh played e guitar... yn wrote e lyrics.. n tune? sq gave comments?? i would have posted e lyrics if i have them la.. but unfortunately yn onli send me e wma format.. so ya... but e title is 她就是她... i think that pretty much concludes my 21 bday celeb ba... ohh... some other things that happened.. coz my family decided to get me an itouch but have yet to get it coz got no time to do so n so my mum told me to go get it then give her e receipt.. told yn when she asked me wat pressy i getting from fam.. then she n tan uh oh ba.. then while i went toilet.. my ph was stolen... by tan n she got my older sis no. n msged my sis to tell her not to buy e itouch yet.. hahaz.. then my sis got a fright coz e starting of e sms that tan sent was not v ji xiang de feel.. hahaz.. chooooy!!! hahahz.. yar... 21 /10 met up with zh after lesson coz i nded to go buy a protective screen cover for e itouch.. don wanna damage it.. yar.. then went with yn n zh to eat at ion.. at some.. jap restaurant.. which i once again dunno e name of.. yar.. then gt another pressy from zh n sq.. fat/hydration weighing machine!!! stunned.. lolz... (i think i more stunned by e weighing machine than itouch ba?? strange.. but yar.. ) side note: its damn heavy! =\ yar.. TYZ kor for carrying or rather lugging such a heavy thing from ur hse to skl to ion n to whereever else we walked to after eating.. hahaz... after lunch e 3 of us walked walked to try n help zh find pressy for sq.. (eh... she wont b reading this rite.. ?) yar.. anw.. in any case.. in e end we went to coffee bean to sit n relax a bit n drink stuff.. n.. sooon bian weigh ourselves .. lolz.. quite funnie c 3 ppl weighing themselves in coffee bean.. hahaz.. yar.. i conclude i v sad after looking at my weight.. n reinforce e idea that i realli nd to go n lose weight le.. sobs.. nvmz.. GOT HOLS >.< *provided that i dont slack off n become a pig again.. like wat i did b4 entering uni.. hahaz...

yar.. thats e end of shir is 21 celeb n events that occured...

NB: photos refer to fb... hahhaz =)

sighz.. shall go back to writing my chi notes.. sobs... sooo far behind.. dies... =(

Monday, March 30, 2009

happy bday babe!!

yoz yn.. this entry is dedicated jus for u... so ya.. appreciate it k?? its gg to b e last entry for a loooong looong time.. hahaz

yea.. tyz for being such a gd fren / mummy / secretary / jing ji ren to me for e past dunno how many years.. tyz for being there n taking care of me.. n ya during times when i am being blur. smts stupid (emphasize on smts k?? ) hahaz.. yea.. n qing duo duo guan zhao?? (at least i tink tt is e term for it ba??) c.. my chinese is nt tt bad de lo!! =P

hmm.. tyz for helping me to print stuff, lend me ur notes, nagging at me, n sending me home after skl n helping me out in general... yea..

act.. i have mental block le.. fine.. i admit i am nt as eloquent as waye n cant write tt much things.. hahaz... oh wells.. n besides.. i tink i like wrote 2 bday msges to u le.. so ya.. cant fault me for cant think of wat to write.. rite?!?? hahahz..

kz la.. i tink tts it le.. sincerely n seriously wish n hope all e best for u n pray tt u will continue to b healthy, strong, cheerful (sooo don b sooo dao le k?? cut down on ur killing aura too!!), n get good results for all tt u do!!

lots of loves n hugs,


sry babe.. this entry is a day late.. but nvm rite... at least i am bloggin.. hahaz! (my poor poor blog dead for soooo long... )

anw.. sat... 28/3/09
after internship at thong chai... went to eat at a place tt i cant rmbr.. hmmm memory lapse a bit la.. er then went to popular to buy some stuff then went to cal's hse... met cal at e cold storage.. he is erm.. quite ... feminine.. hahaz.. yea... but tt is nt e whole main pt.. hahaz.. then after buying ice-cream... yumz... went over to cal's hse (eh... yn sry.. i am typing like cal is my gd fren liddat.. but ya... a bit lazy to kp referring to him as ur cousin.. hahaz)

tan n i started on our disco ball project.. it was quite tiring actually.. coz when u cut e cds.. e painting or rather e coating can come out... n ya i gt my hands all glittery n everything.. hhahaz.. nt onli tt some of e cds break v easily.. n no tt is nt coz i am tooo strong! hahaz..

hmm.. act i tink in e end e disco ball looks a bit messy but ya... it looks nice from far loz... n its nt bad for a first attempt k?? hahaz.. ya... n tan finally discovered her talent.. she can trace pics quite well.. hahaz.. n i realli must admit its nt bad loz.. bu cuo ma tan!! hahaz... (sighz... i tink i realli nd to go n discover my talent... )

ya... oh ya.. kor came earlier than e rest.. n helped us out by cutting e cds.. TYZ kor!! n i am amazed at how u managed to find e place all by urself... (applause.. =P) i most likely will get lost.. but i tink if u give me street directory i shld be fine.. (is tt considered a talent?? hahaz) oh ya.. kor, tyz for gg to buy e presents n er helping us hang up e disco ball?? hahaz

hmm.. then e aj ppl arrived.. n omg.. wdta!! et slimmed down!! hahaz.. damn surprised over it la!! n i tink tan was damn sad over it... hahaz.. jiayou jie!! ni xing de.. ni ke yi hui fu ni yi qian de yang zi n size de!! hahaz..

then ij ppls arrived.. ate food.. ate quite a bit of e hong kong noodles thing.. hahaz.. then oh ya.. saw my another kor.. julian!! hahaz.. damn ps tt i couldn go to his bday party last wk.. but ya.. (sryz.. tho i am quite sure u wont read my entry).. yea.. so talked to him n entertained him for awhile coz yn bz n e guys look quite sad alone.. hahaz.. yea.. n oh ya jem... wah... his face.. is seriously beta now... hahaz..

then... its performances time!! first up was yn n zh kor kor!! with dao dai!! zh.. a bit too ping le.. but ya.. overall ok.. yn!! u stole e limelight from e main singer can?? hahaz.. kz fine.. u can b considered e limelight coz u r e main person for tt nite.. but ya.. haha!!

next is li ting!! e ij singer!!! chao hao ting de!! she sang elva's song.. sheng ming de cha qu i tink.. ya.. n after tt she was nice enough n game enough to sing another song on e spot.. n she is woah!! damn gd can... it was a fast song.. cant rmbr title.. then after tt i tink she sang another elva's song with yn.. i tink?? memory a bit.. cmi le.. but ya!! hahaz!!

after tt was cutting of cake ba.. i tink.. oh ya! b4 cutting cake.. it was a gifts presentation time!! zx n ah bu gt her a dress.. woahz... e dress was.. quite short when in saw it.. but when yn came out wearing it.. it was ok la.. (yn.. i am nt hinting anything!! i merely meant it fits u!! u shld wear dresses more often k?? hahaz) yea.. then i tink her aunt gave her a necklace?? agnes b?? at least tt was wat i tink it was?? nt v sure.. but ya.. hahaz..

cutting of e damn big choc piano cake.. lolz.. n photo taking!! i am like present for like dunno how many pics can?? n my hair was damn cui.. but ya.. oh wells.. zhu jiao oso nt me.. so its ok.. hhahaz... ok.. act its nt ok.. coz its dman cui.. sobs.. but ya! oh ya.. then was talking to et then he was saying too bad all e guys tt were at e party were attached.. hahaz.. see yn... u shld wear more dresses.. hhahaz...

er.. after e like dunno how many photos we took.. went back for performance part 2.. realli gao chao le.. wan li n mare he chang shou cang? mare was a bit flat.. but tt was coz e backgrnd song was quite soft.. so ya.. nt her fault.. then after tt was sam's zi tan zi chang... kaoz.. she realli proved tt she is damn talented can?? her singing is like woah!!! omg.. n her zhuan ying.. is oh tian ar!! lolz.. n her piano pc.. is woahhhhhhh~~~~ tai zai le... then e highlight of e performance was presented by none other than JOYCE!!! hahaz.. omg.. she realli practiced damn hard can?? she danced!!! she danced hotshot by luo zhi xiang n elva's (cant rmbr wat song tt was) but pt is omg.. hahaz.. she realli put in a lot of effort can?? hahaz.. make me can kui... but i gt no talent.. so ya.. hahaz...

so yupz.. e winner of e best performance goes to joyce!! hahaz.. a $28 worth of GV card.. lolz.. then after tt most guys left. onli gt tan, me, waye, mare, wanli, joyce n sam left.. so ya.. tt marks e start of e drinking session... or rather, joyce's drinking session.. we played 7up.. ya.. n joyce always sabo herself.. so we conclude tt it is she wanted to drink tts y she purposely lose.. hahaz... so ya.. n at 12 we cut a 2nd cake.. (oh waye n i msged her altho we were physically there... er.. so ya.. coz we had yn's phone with us.. both of us managed to send a msg at exactly 0.00am.. hahaz.. yupz.. but ya.. waye was first.. ) act i tink yy was first.. but she msged tooo early... sooo too bad!! hahaz... =P a bit xing zai le huo but ya..

after eating e 2nd cake with e choc ice cream.. we walked e ij gals out to take a cab.. then tan yn n i went back to e hse.. ya.. we were slping over.. hmm.. bathed.. (i like e toilets.. damn nice) hahaz. er then talked cock, i did e practice paper. then its alr like 3am le.. so tan n i slept.. in e attic.. waye n yn went downstairs to slp in marc's room.. yea.. n i tink e 2 of us slept nt bad la.. okz fine.. i was gone.. but tan had dreams.. so ya... hahaz..

sun morn.. woke up.. i was up earlier than tan.. lucky i was up earlier than her or else i will b xia si by her la.. jus b4 she gt up suddenly she whacked a pillow/cushion dman loudly la... kaoz.. ya... then e 2 of us jus nua there n talk cock.. then i rolled down e sofa in slow motion.. hahaz.. coz i was sian.. hahaz.. then ya.. e 2 of us decided to get up at 8.. then went downstairs to brush teeth.. sooo apparently we saw a figure slpin on marc's bed.. n da tou slping next to e fig.. so we assumed its yn. coz cant c properly.. then we wanted to go into e toilet.. then heard sounds from inside.. so ya.. we backtracked back to our room.. then we were both thinking tt yn must b quite tired for her nt to hear us come into e room n didn wake up.. hahaz.. so we went back to e attic n talk some more.. then soon.. yn came up.. n she gt shock tt we were act up.. so ya.. apparently she was e one in e toilet n e one slping still was waye.. diao.. hahaz.. lolz

ya.. brushed teeth.. clear up.. tan finally ate her piano keys tt she was whining abt to eat for a loong time.. since sat.. hahaz.. ya.. then went to bedok to eat breakfast.. yn treated us to breakfast.. had chee kueh.. then went back home.. bathed.. then time for lunch le.. diao.. n i tot i jus ate.. oh wells.. ate alr.. then supposed to b studying for nei jing.. but.. as usual.. i fell aslp.. drifted in n out of slp.. sooo i didn study much.. then i tot.. nvm.. will study at nite then.. n i end up.. slping at 10 ba!! omg la.. cant believe it.. ughz.. so ya. damn sad.. didn realli study.. i conclude.. alcohol had a delayed effect on me.. hahaz..

yea.. then today.. e test.. was haiz.. okz? i tink.. for a paper tt i didn realli study a lot.. ya.. hahaz..

Monday, October 20, 2008

yoz peeps... ya.. i gt more ppl to thank today.. or rather a lot of ppl to thank.. hahaz..

yupz.. grew older today.. sobs.. just turned 20.. sighz.. having a 2 infront is realli nt a very nice feeling.. hahaz... anw... ya... tyz to all hu wished me happy bday... ok.. shall list the ppl hu wished me in order... as in sms/ face to face

1) tan - 11.57pm on 19/10
2) yn - 12.00.54 am.
3) ky - called me... to ensure he is first??? hahaz..
4) prissy teo
5) my sis
6) yanyi
7) william aka uncle.. hahaz.. he was like hus' bday is it ar? then think damn long then he cnfm is me.. hahaz
8) songlin mummy...
9) ah boon.. (tyz.. for the chicken biscuit thing? altho its kind of squashed but ya.. haha)
10) zh.. (kor ar.. so mei liang xin.. so late then wish de.. but at least u did.. haha)

oh ya.. for those hu wished me on my facebook wall.. MANY TYS also!!

hahaz.. basically i was up studying for my chinese test today till 2am.. seriously i shld have just slept earlier.. since it doesn seem to have made any diff.. the paper was horrible.. sighz.. shant think abt it le.. then ya..

after tuts... went to eat at mof at marina sq.. had ramen.. took like a sip of yn's chouya (dunno how to spell) then ya.. went to eat choc at some max berner place?? hahaz.. had fondue.. act is yn n tan treat me de.. so yups!! many tyz!! make me grow fat nia.. hahaz...

ya.. then came home le...

last fri celebrated bday with 09 peeps.. went to eat at koufu at smu?? or rather is i talk n drink ice milo while the rest eat.. hahaz (oh. the rest include.. zh, hy, sq, delia, yl, ck,clare,n me n yn la) ehh.. ya.. after eating.. then went to settler's games talk crap eat.. hahaz.. ya.. played realli familiar games such as ugly ugly ugly... which turned out to be peng peng peng?? (as in mahjong thing. dunno wat la) hahaz.. then ya.. yw et n mel n ter showed up.. yupz.. played more games.. n ck is damn zai at guessing words la.. those super lame no link thing he oso can guess untill.. hahaz...n he is forever collecting cards... hahaz.. quite funnie.. oh wells. i had help frm yn.. so i am nt in a position to say much.. hahaz.. yupz.. had a cake to share with all the oct babies.. (mel, sq, yl n me) yupz.. the cake was nice. but i was quite full so passed like half it to zh to help me finish hahaz.. tyz! yupz.. pressys time.. mel- dress... sq - jacket + belt from me yn n yy.. yl - superman belt (he damn skinny la.. the belt too big for him liddat. hahaz) n me - a realli cool hat which i wanted a long time ago.. the color a bit diff from wat i wanted but it was still damn cool n nice! eh.. ya.. then i got a bag from zh n sq.. hehe tyz!! can adopt my niang side more easily in skl le.. hahaz.. yupz.. after many photos n grp photos.. went home.. hahaz...

sun - celeb my bday again.. with my fam.. eh ate lots of good food.. cooked by my mummy.. hahaz.. yums yums.. ya.. gt cake oso...


kz la.. for photos n more details.. pls refer to yn's blog.. tyz guys!! muackz.. love ya!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

yoz peeps.. sorrry for letting my blog die... n act this entry is supposed to b up last sat or sun... but ya.. was bz.. so ya loz... hahaz PS

anyway.. i wanna say a big big tyz to all the IJ peeps for celebrating lia's n my bday... (pls.... i am still not 20 yet ok... hahaz.. still gt 5 days i tink.. nt v sure... n too lazy to count.. hahaha) ya... tyz for xiao xue xue.. hehe... it is helping me slp while i try to mug for my upcoming test... hahaz

ya.. gt a test on my bday.. so sad la... but ya loz.. i tink i am soooo screwed for it.. gt a lot of herbs to cover... n i cant rmbr a freakiing thing... so ya.. died... i tink gt at least 100 herbs for this test ba... die... hahaz..

kz.. my anatomy lesson is gg to start soon.. so ya.. i beta go..

(if u wan a more detailed entry n look at the photos.. pls visit yn's blog.. tyz)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

skipping time

tried to do my anatomy tut.. it was.. a failure.. his notes suc mann!! sighz.. shant dwell on his horrible notes any longer.. hahaz..

anw.. ya.. was bored enough to go n do skipping at arnd 4plus.. its like i saw my sis's skipping rope on her table.. so borrowed it.. then i tried to skip with it.. then tian ar.. its damn freakingly short la.. kip hitting either my head or leg loz.. i realli had to tuck my head n leg in.. managed to skip like 50x with it.. then gave up.. made my younger sis to help me find longer skipping rope.. n she realli managed to unearth 1 skipping rope that is jus nice for me.. n 1 slightly shorter rope.. hahaz.. seriously.. i didn expect her to find skipping ropes in our hse.. lolz.. amazed.. amazed.. amazed...

then yea.. soon my younger sis, older sis n bro come n join me on my skipping session.. lolz.. i tink i trained my abs more than anything else la.. lauffed a lot.. my bro damn funnie.. ooh!! shall describe how my sibs skip.. older sis... her hands stick out far far away from her body.. then hands swing super super big circles (normally only wrist area will move.. then hands.. usually nt v far from body de) then her spd.. is like OMG damn damn slow.. i tink her "turbo" spd.. is like my slowest la!! super funnie.. we were like kp on asking her to increase spd.. but she is cui de.. hahaz...

my bro.. when he skip.. his body will be bent.. like a bow n arrow de bow de shape.. hahaz.. quite funnie.. then once he purposely go take the shortest rope (my older sis de) n skip.. n he whacked his own head quite hard.. damn funnie la!! then he tried again.. this time whack his own leg.. haha!! super funnie.. so in the end he used the rope i used.. he max is 98 at a go.. hahaz.. oooh.. for some reason.. when he skip.. he will fart??? its like he skip 10 x or so then fart once.. hahaz... i tink he took too much gassy drinks.. then stomach a lot of air.. lolz

my younger sis.. when she skip.. her legs r straight de.. nv bend knees.. then feet flat de.. then my mum said she looks like a duck.. but i tink she looks like a chinese zombie jumping around.. hahaz.. the image of her skipping realli.. quite unique.. haha...

i am the onli one with a normal skipping method. lolz.. but my bro kip on sayin i doing excavation wrk.. =.=" coz my rope will hit the tiles.. then he say if i skip on soil.. will b able to c soil flying to each side of me.. then got a big hole.. wat rubbish!!! he skip oso the rope will hit the floor lo!!! rahz.. then my older sis say.. when i skip gt to turn 1 full round.. then can get a big circular hole.. rah!!! oh.. my max is 100 at a go.. n i can turn the rope 2x b4 landing.. shall try for 1 3x de some time..

soo my smart smart bro came up with a nice nice career for all of us.. i do excavation wrk... my younger sis will do repair wrk (coz she resemble a drill thing those wrkers use to repair roads).. so i cont.. ya.. my bro can clear the air when we do the excavation n repair wrk.. coz will have a lot dust floating around.. his fart can "clear" out the air.. haha.. then.. all of us stuck on wat kind of job to gif our dear older sis.. in the end decided.. she can b our manager.. hu sit arnd n do nth.. coz she a bit fei de.. haha!!

ohh.. my older sis was like saying shld get our mum to join in on our skipping session oso.. then immediately my younger sis said di zhen (earthquake).. n i say piak (rope snaps) the same time (haha!! damn mean of us.. but ya.. for fun nia) then when my mum came to look at us skip my bro go tell her wat we said.. then me n my younger sis sabo-ed him back.. say he said both di zhen n piak (we technically nv lie.. coz he realli said those words when he related wat happened to our mum.. haha) ops.. i hope my mum wont rmbr wat we said by tmr.. otherwise.. my chicken rice will fly away.. hahaz.. my mum is forever using food to threaten us.. hahaz.. esp my bro.. lol.. kz la.. tts it le.. cya!!

ooh.. i managed to catch table tennis match btwn germany n japan.. the T.boll guy quite cute loz.. ok.. or mayb its jus coz the jap guy is ugly.. hahaz.. but the T. boll guy's attack is realli quite gd la!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

BLOG REVIVED temporarily...

LOL.. its been a loooong time since i blogged.. n since its the first wk of skl.. i shall blog a little.. hahaz.. past few days.. had been a nightmare... COZ.. I AM MAJORLY GROWING FATTER!! lolz... everyday go skl wan to eat stuff.. nd to bite stuff.. but i can't b blamed rite?? lessons alll soooooo boring.. nd to kp awake.. wat beta way then to bite on smt.. sighz.. realli nd to go exercise le.. otherwise.. i realli become fat... sobs...

this wk quite happy coz mon n thurs no nd to wake up early in the morn at 6am.. can eake up later.. hahaz.. but next wk.. sighz.. 4 days gt to wake up at 6.. sobs..

basic impression of my lecturers..
tcm diagnositics - teacher quite funni.. can b a little boring..
microbiology - ang mo guy... shld b quite scary for his tut. coz he is like the type tt will shoot a lot of qns liddat. hope i dunno kena him
anatomy - his "england" pronunciation suc... sweat.. he pronounce as sweet.. then type in his lect notes as sweet...
physiology - female lecturer.. seems quite funni..

not much things to talk abt le.. lolz.. kz la.. tts it.. cya!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

camp day 1

due to the fact tt i am waiting for yn's photos to b uploaded to my thumbdrive.. i am bloggin.. hahaz..

anw.. slept arnd 12 plus last nite.. then gt to wake up at 615.. sianz la.. but lucky gt yn's uncle to soon bian send me to skl.. so hai hao. otherwise i tink might nd to wake up earlier n still nd to lug my heavy luggage bag from bishan all the way to ntu(HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) =.="" yn's wrk.. anw.. cont' my story.. ya...

then reach skl on time... amazing.. hahaz.. then slack stone n painted our nails black.. it looks quite gross act... to think i tot it shld look quite cool.. lolz.. oh wells... i dunno how come they chose tt to b our identity.. =) yea. then watch a video thing.. quite funnie.. then ice breakers.. then some more talk.. but.. i jus heck care. went to eat while the freshies had to listen to boring boring sponsor talk.. hahaz..

LUNCH.. act.. the food.. nt v nice.. the rice was quite hard.. MUST put gravy la.. otherwise... like eat stone liddat.. hahaz... then more games... learn cheers.. blahz.. then games... i lazy n tired to list every game.. but ya... if u wan details.. go yn's blog... took lots of photos.. unglam photos gt quite a bit.. (i tink kheng boon realli avoid me n my camera la.. muahhaz.. my reputation for posting unglam photos.. quite high.. hahhaz)

go back src.. talk cock.. lame jokes time.. self-entertain.. then dinner.. eat stone rice again.. sp partnering time.. so fun.. go ka jiao the ppl.. make them share pocky sticks.. lolz.. then mass dance learnin time. then night games.. then bathe.. then now gg to zz le..

kk.. nitex ppl!!